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Using Clipart

Adding clipart to your design is simple. Our clipart library contains 50.000 elements you can select from to construct your design.

Here's how to add clipart:

  1. Select Add Clipart - Click the icon in the left panel
  2. Find the Right Clipart - Search for the type of clipart you're looking for or browse our clipart categories
  3. Add to Design - Click the clipart you'd like to select to add it to your design

Our Design Studio offers a number of options to edit and customize clipart. Select the clipart in your design and find the following features in the left panel:

  • Color - Edit the clipart color(s)
  • Outline - Add an outline color
  • Resize - Increase or decrease the clipart size
  • Rotate - Rotate the clipart in any angle
  • Center - Centers the selected piece of clipart within the boundary box
  • Layering - Adjusts the order of the clipart placement
  • Flip - Inverts the selected clipart either horizontally or vertically
  • Lock - Locks the proportions of the selected clipart
  • Duplicate - Duplicates the selected piece of clipart
  • Effect - Provides a distressed or vintage look (option located on the far right)

Need help working with our clipart library? Our design experts are available to assist 7 days a week, simply start a live chat or call 1-800-62-1233.